Course Description

Blue A La Carte Course /Marilyn Crenshaw

Learning Objectives: A Closed Loop Net Zero Water Systems is achieved by balancing water supply & demand.

  1. How to do supply calculations.
  2. How to do demand calculations.

  1. A closed loop system is comprised of these components:
  2. Surface area to collect
  3. Gutters & pipes to distribute
  4. Cisterns, vessels & ponds to receive water at lowest & store at highest levels
  5. Pumps to pressure
  6. Power to run the pumps
  7. Filters to purify before use

  1. There are several sources of water to be collected, piped, stored & filtered & used for pure allocated uses:
  2. Roof
  3. Vehicle pavement
  4. Pedestrian pavement (no vehicle contaminants)
  5. Exposed earth & landscaping
  6. Condensate harvesting
  7. Grey water primarily dishwater with soap residue Blackwater pathogenic natural &
  8. Commercial & industrial operations which may have chemicals with other biotic particles

Senior Architect

Marilyn Crenshaw

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Part 1

    • AiaCesBlueALaCarteSlides1thru20_20161001MASTER.pdf

  • 2

    Part 2

    • AiaCesBlueALaCarteSlides21thru40_20161001MASTER.pdf

  • 3

    Part 3

    • Part3AiaCesBluealaCarteFinal18

  • 4

    Final Quiz: Blue CEU: Net Zero Closed Loop Water System

    • Blue CEU: Net Zero Closed Loop Water System